Browning Announcements

  • Happy Friday Browning Parents,

    1) I'm so glad we didn't cancel Field Day.  The students are having so much fun and the weather turned out great!

    2)  As part of being a Title I school, we would like parent input on how we can best serve you, our Browning parents, and by partnering together, serve our students.  The survey below  is fairly short - 14 questions.  We would appreciate it if you could complete the survey by May 23rd.

    Have a great weekend :-)

    Mr. Misovski, Principal
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  • Here's the latest:
    1) We're going to have field day (yay!)
    2) We are pushing back the start time to allow the field to dry up a little bit
    a) a.m. volunteers- be here at 9:00 a.m.
    b) p.m. volunteers - be here at 12:30 p.m.
    3) Please send an extra pair of tennis shoes, socks and outfits (just in case)

    Keep your fingers crossed the weather people are right for the rest of the day :-)
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  • Browning Families,
    1) Tomorrow, Friday, May 17th is Field Day. We all know living in Michigan the weather can be fickle. Our plan is to continue with field day as scheduled. We will only cancel if absolutely necessary. I will send a text first thing in the morning if that's the case (rainout day is May 23rd). Teachers have shared what students need for that day like tee shirts, shorts, older tennis shoes (they can get dirty) etc.

    2) Our PTA is hosting a fun fair on May 31st. It's always a lot of fun, but the day wouldn't be successful without volunteers. You can volunteer at the link below:

    3) Pastries with Parents - end of the year wouldn't be complete without our parents and students having breakfast together. You are cordially invited to the event on Friday morning, May 24th from 8:00 to 8:40.

    As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Browning office.

    Mr. Misovski, Principal
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