• Student Council

    The student council is a group of dedicated students that work towards making school decisions and practicing leadership. Through collaboration and brainstorming, school events are decided upon by the student council.

    Science Olympiad

    Science Olympiad is a nationally recognized competition where students compete in pre-selected events. There are various events that all require dedication and an interest in science. Preparation for events includes afterschool practice and mentorship.

    Photography Club

    The HJH Photography club is designed for photographers of any skill level, with any camera (dslr, iPhone, point and shoot).  If you would like to practice and improve your photography this is for you! Each meeting will have a basic photography or editing skill that will be discussed/practiced.  Members will then have the opportunity to go out into the field and take their own pictures. 

    Builders Club

    Builders Club is a service club for junior high school students. Kiwanis International developed the club to foster leadership skills through service in the school setting and the wider community. It is a similar program to Key Club, which is a service club for high school students. HJH Builders Club was chartered during the 2016-2017 school year, under the sponsorship of the Sterling Heights High Noon Kiwanis Club. Our Kiwanis sponsor has been generous with their support, including funding our charter and donating the traditional blue felt banner inscribed with the Kiwanis’ Builders Club logo and Heritage Junior High School. Additionally, our Kiwanis Club models the spirit of service by sending a representative to our monthly meetings to encourage students by showing an interest in their service projects.