- Utica Community Schools
- Dual Enrollment
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DUAL ENROLLMENT - Postsecondary Enrollment Options
- Eligible high school students are provided an opportunity to enroll in college courses.
- The school district provides monies toward the tuition, mandatory course or materials fee or registration fees.
- Dual Enrollment classes replace classes within your high school schedule. The courses must go beyond the offerings within the UCS curriculum. Students must apply for Dual Enrollment through their counselor/school by May 1 for the fall semester.
- University / College Enrollment Application can be accessed using the links below:
College of Creative Studies: including 3 art samples
(required after dual enrollment application is approved at the district level)
Macomb Community College: https://www.macomb.edu/admissions-aid/admissions-team.html
Oakland University: https://oakland.edu/futurestudents/apply/dual-enroll/
Oakland Community College: https://www.oaklandcc.edu/admissions/highschool-dual/default.aspx
Lawrence Tech University: https://apply.ltu.edu/register/hsfall2023