Jeannette Announcements

  • Happy new year, Patriots!! Welcome to 2025!

    As we plan to return to school on Monday, January 6 (just 2 days from now!) bright and early at 7:20 AM, we'd like to share our excitement about semester 2! Make sure that you check your PowerSchool to see your semester 2 schedule, as it likely has changed from first semester.

    If there is a problem with your schedule, please sign up to see your counselor on Monday. They will change schedules only if you have a mistake. For example, if you have 2 math classes or a semester elective that you have already taken. We cannot change your schedule to get a different lunch or teacher.

    If you had an EXCUSED absence on any exam day, you must arrange with your semester 1 teacher to take your exam Monday or Tuesday. Grades are due on Tuesday, so do not delay in making these arrangements.

    We can't wait to see you on Monday! Go Lions!
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