

    Summer school information is distributed by the counseling department just before the end of the school year.

    Please see the UCS district website for a comprehensive list of summer school programs. UCS Summer Programs.

    Semester grades are determined by averaging two quarters and the semester exam. 

    Students must pass 2/3 AND earn an average of 60% to earn credit for the semester. 

    Additionally, students must be in good standing with the attendance policy (located in the Student Handbook).

    Quarter 1 (40%) + Quarter 2 (40%) + Midterm Exam (20%) 

    Quarter 3 (40%) + Quarter 4 (40%) + Final Exam (20%)

    The following resource can help calculate semester grades: Grade Calculator 

    Please speak with your counselor before registering for a credit recovery class. 

    Credit Recovery Information for 24-25 School Year